Anorectal Malformation

Anorectal malformation is a birth defect that affects the proper development of the anus and rectum. The problem is rare and can range from mild to complex with various abnormalities, including:

  • Narrow anal passage
  • A membrane on the anal opening
  • Imperforate anus which is not connected to the rectum
  • The rectum might connect to the urinary tract through an abnormal passage Fistula

Anorectal malformation treatment in India

If not treated on time, anorectal malformation can turn out to be a complex problem. Dr Shweta K Sharma has the expertise and a comprehensive team for anorectal malformation surgical treatment in India. She has advanced diagnostic tools to conduct the tests and provide quick treatment of anorectal malformation.

The treatment starts with a physical examination to understand the severity of the problem. If the doctors notice an anorectal malformation at the time of your baby's birth, they suggest diagnostic imaging through abdominal X-ray and ultrasound.

Most babies need surgical treatment to cure the problem. However, babies who have narrow anal passages may be treated with anal dilatation where the anal muscles are stretched.

Anorectal Malformation Low ARM
Anorectal Malformation High ARM
Anorectal Malformation Female ARM