Umbilical Cyst

Umbilical Cyst

The umbilical cord connects the baby with the mother and carries food and oxygen from the placenta to the foetus. Any problem with the umbilical cord can create complications with the pregnancy, delivery and child development. One rare medical condition among other umbilical cord issues is an umbilical cyst. These cystic lesions in the form of a sack of fluid can develop anywhere along the umbilical cord and can cause complications if not treated on time.

Usually, doctors start umbilical cyst treatment in India for the lesions that don't abate on their own over time. As per the experts, the cyst in the first trimester is not risky but if it’s noticed in the second or third trimester, the treatment should be started immediately.

What to see for umbilical cyst treatment in India?

  • COVID safe place for kids
  • Multidisciplinary expertise
  • State of the art modular operation theatres
  • Adherence to international clinical and safety protocols

Having the perfect environment and world-class facilities, Dr Shweta K Sharma's hospital is the best place after your home where you can relax about your child's health.