Sigmoid Volvulus
Sigmoid volvulus is basically a twist of the bowel on its mesenteric axis which creates a large intestine blockage. If not treated on time, this can cause life-threatening complications like bowel ischemia, gangrene, and perforation. Surgery is the precise treatment for sigmoid volvulus. However, the timing of the surgery is decided by the doctors based on sigmoid volvulus radiology reports.
The sigmoid volvulus surgical treatment in India helps in restoring intestinal transit caused by the volvulus through abnormal pathophysiological correction.
Symptoms of sigmoid volvulus
- Cramping abdominal pain
- Nausea
- Abdominal distention
- History of episodic constipation
If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, immediately visit a paediatrician who if needed might recommend sigmoid volvulus radiology to come to any conclusion. Dr Shweta K Sharma has completed advanced training in the surgical treatment of infants and newborn kids and offers world-class treatment at a highly affordable cost.