Patent Urachus

Patent Urachus

The urachus is a tube in fetuses that connects the bladder to the umbilicus. Patent urachus treatment is suggested by the doctors when the urachus is open as the open area can result in infections, cysts and other health issues.

The treatment for patent urachus repair starts with antibiotics to eliminate any infections. Once doctors are sure that there is no infection, the surgery is performed to remove the remnants of urachal tissue.

Patent urachus repair in India is done through surgery to fix a bladder defect. Only an experienced child specialist and surgeon can perform this process successfully. Dr Shweta K Sharma is one such specialist for patent urachus treatment in India. Having over a decade's experience in child care and surgeries, she is popular for having a large number of happy and healthy patients.

Dr Shweta K Sharma and her team have expertise in performing the most cutting-edge surgical procedures for newborn, infants and adolescents.