Intestinal Atresia

In some cases, an entire portion of the intestine is also missing and separated into two parts. On average, Intestinal Atresia and Stenosis can be seen in 1 in every 1,500 live births affecting both male and female babies equally.

Diagnosis and Intestinal atresia treatment in India

Intestinal atresia can be diagnosed both in the prenatal and postnatal phases. In prenatal diagnosis, it is found through prenatal ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy. In postnatal diagnosis, Intestinal Atresia and Stenosis are discovered through abdominal X-ray, upper GI tract X-ray, lower GI tract X-ray, abdominal ultrasound and Echocardiography.

Intestinal atresia treatment in India

Treatment for intestinal atresia in India can be started only after a baby's birth. Babies born with the problem can be treated only through surgery performed by highly qualified and experienced doctors like Dr Shweta K Sharma.

Having above 10 years of experience in infant surgery, she has a high success rate in conducting intestinal atresia surgeries in Delhi.

To know more about the doctor and how she can help your child, book an appointment today.

Intestinal Atresia