Undescended Testis

Undescended Testis Treatment

If an infant has an undescended testicle, undescended testicles doctors in Delhi recommend surgery. Based on the patient's age, parents' budget and the problem, the doctors can suggest:

  • Laparoscopy
  • Open surgery

During the surgery, the doctors move the undescended testicle to its proper place in the scrotum. As per the experts, the earlier the treatment, the lower the risk of complications like infertility and testicular cancer. The procedure demands an expert doctor, which you will definitely find at Dr Shweta's clinic. She is known as the best surgeon for undescended testicles treatment.

Why choose Dr Shweta for undescended testis surgery in India?

  • Use of the best-in-class technology
  • Quick recovery
  • Minimal scars
  • Smaller incision
  • Friendly behaviour of the doctors
  • World-class facilities for quality medical care for infants

Dr Shweta feels that the best place for your child is home and ensures that they get the same feeling during their stay in the hospital by using the best-in-class technology, her expertise and advanced infrastructure. She ensures that the procedure is quick and pain-free for the infants.

Undescended Testis
Undescended Testis